Dry Eye Relief

What Is Dry Eye?
Dry eye occurs when your tear flow reduces or your tears evaporate too quickly, causing the sensitive front surface of the eye to dry out. The eyes then become uncomfortable, red and inflamed and in some cases very sore.
There are many different causes of dry eye which must be properly investigated if it is to be treated effectively.
The good news is that once it has been investigated most people find that dry eye is relatively easy to treat.
Pullen & Symes Dry Eye Clinic
At the dry eye clinic we will carefully consider your symptoms, undertake a detailed specialist examination of your tears, recommend the latest treatments to alleviate your symptoms and ensure that you leave knowing exactly how to treat your particular condition with a bespoke care plan.
We will then invite you to return for follow up appointments to fine tune your treatment over a period of up to three months.
The clinic also offers management of common eyelid problems like Blepharitis and eyelid cysts (Chalazion or Meibomian cysts).

Symptoms Of Dry Eyes
If you are suffering from any of the below you may have a common tear problem known as dry eye.
Gritty, sandy sensation
Burning or stinging
Watery eyes
Irritated, red eyes
Dandfruff along eyelashes or tender eyelids
White, stringy threads in tears
Our Optometrists at Pullen & Symes have both undertaken further training and are accredited to provide dry eye services. This is a private service not covered by the NHS.
To book an appointment please call 01392 257529 (Exeter) or 01404 814219 (Ottery).